From Tokyo, London, and San Francisco, we are seeking poiesis that creates a harmonious melody in a new world.

The etymology of poetry is said to be derived from the Ancient Greek word poiesis. In Ancient Greek, poiesis refers not only to writing poetry, but rather to creation in general. In Aristotle’s Poetics, writing, making urns, playing music, dancing, weaving, cooking, making love, and joining in the creation of arts, daily lives, politics and thinking are all equally poiesis.

Creation in limitless. In its core, poesy stands as a formidable force challenging reality, shattering barriers and crisscrossing any border.

Since the Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011 and the outbreak of Covid-19 worldwide, human encounters have been limited and restrained. Currently, the world—the space of creation—seems to become stereotypical and disconnected. Taking poiesis as a keyword, this website is a multi-melodic virtual network that is reconnecting these pieces and inspiring imagination once again. That is the International Poetry Network: “crossing lines.”

“crossing lines” creates an enduring poetic bond between Tokyo, London, and San Francisco. It engages adventures not only with modern cutting-edge poetry and literature; but with various kinds of creations—photography, art, music, dance, fashion—through different media networks and social network services (SNSs).

Like poetry crossing lines, we are breaking down barriers and traversing national borders. We are creating multi-layered melodies, crossing cyberspace, to seek another key for surviving in the new world.


Planner: Mizuho Ishida
Coordinator: Yutaka Ninomiya
Guest Poet Editor of San Francisco: Judy Halebsky
Guest Poet Editor of London: Astrid Alben
Translators: Michiyo Sekine, Akiko Yamanaka, Yumiko Koizumi, Ayako Takahashi, Andrew Houwen


Creative direction: Ryuhei Ikeda
Logo, Design: Kaori Nohara
Coding: Takashi Himeoka




日本では3.11、世界的には新型コロナ禍以降、人と文化の往来は制限され、自己規制されてきました。こうして、いま、ジャンル化され、分断されているようにみえる創造と世界。ポイエーシスをキーワードにそれらを再接続し、新たな創造力を生みだす複旋律的サイバースペース。それが、インターナショナル・ポエトリーサイト「crossing lines」です。

clossing linesは、トーキョー、ロンドン、サンフランシスコのハードコア・ポエトリー・トライアングルを形成し、第一線の現代詩や文学とともに、写真、アート、音楽、ダンス、ファッションなどさまざまなクリエーションを、複数のメディアとSNSをつなげて冒険してゆきます。



ゲストエディター: ジュディ・ハレスキ、アストリッド・アルベン
翻訳者: 関根路代、山中章子、小泉由美子、高橋綾子、アンドルー・ハウウェン


