Jul 10, 2024
After Dōgen
by Gary Snyder
Mimulus on the cliffside in April
Nuthatches in the summer pine
Cranes calling south in September
Winter pond-ice cracking bright
c. 2016-20
- Gary Snyder. “After Dōgen.” Uncollected Poems, Drafts, Fragments, & Translations. Counterpoint, 2022, p. 70.
- Japanese translation by Shigeyoshi Hara. Born in Tokyo in 1953, he has been introducing and translating contemporary American poetry for over 40 years. He is currently a Professor Emeritus at Dokkyo University. His publications include An Introduction to Modern American Poetry: Ezra Pound to Bob Dylan, and more. His translations of Gary Snyder's poetry collections include Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems, The Back Country, Mountains and Rivers Without End (co-translation), Danger on Peaks, and This Present Moment (forthcoming).
訳 原成吉
4月 絶壁に咲くミゾホオズキ
夏 松の枝にはゴジュウカラ
9月 南へ向かうツルの声
冬 ひび割れる池の氷の澄んだ音
- Gary Snyder. “After Dōgen.” Uncollected Poems, Drafts, Fragments, & Translations. Counterpoint, 2022, p. 70.
- 翻訳者:原 成吉(はら しげよし)。1953年、東京生まれ。40年以上にわたりアメリカ現代詩詩を紹介し、翻訳をしている。現在、獨協大学名誉教授。著書に『アメリカ現代詩入門—エズラ・パウンドからボブ・ディランまで』ほか。スナイダー詩集に『リップラップと寒山詩』、『奥の国』、『終わりなき山河』(共訳)、『絶頂の危うさ』、『いまこの瞬間』(近刊)など。
Gary Snyder
Born in San Francisco in 1930, Gary Snyder is one of the leading poets of contemporary American literature. His poetry, emerging from a lifestyle that blends Zen Buddhism and bioregionalism, has had a significant influence on poets since the Beat Generation. Some of his major poetry collections include Riprap and Cold Poems (1965), The Back Country (1968), Turtle Island (1974), Mountains and Rivers Without End (1996), Danger on Peaks (2004), This Present Moment (2015), and Collected Poems(2022).
1930年、サンフランシスコ生まれ。アメリカ現代詩を代表する詩人のひとり。禅仏教と生態地域主義を融合したライフスタイルから生まれる詩は、ビート世代以降の詩人に大きな影響を与えている。代表詩集に、Riprap and Cold Poems (1965) 、The Back Country (1968)、Turtle Island (1974)、The Mountains and Rivers Without End (1996)、Danger on Peaks (2004)、This Present Moment (2015)、Collected Poems (2022)、など。