Jul 27, 2023
The Apple Has the Sea. The Sea is Juicy
by Yuko Minamikawa
The Apple Has the Sea. The Sea is Juicy
Yuko Minamikawa
She writes poetry in Japanese and English. After living in Tokyo and Yokohama, she moved to UK in 2001. Her poems have been published in magazines in Japan, UK, Ireland, and US, under the name of Yuko Minamikawa Adams for English poems. Her fifth poetry collection is Skirt. She publishes an art zine Gallery Kansatsutai biannually. One of her favourite English words is ‘estuary’ and Japanese, ‘kirisame’ (misty rain). Website: http://www.shimirin.net/~minadams/
日本語と英語で詩を書く。東京と横浜で暮らし、2001年より英国在住。日本、英国、アイルランド、アメリカの詩誌で詩を発表(英詩はYuko Minamikawa Adamsの名で発表)。第五詩集は『スカート』。美術誌『ギャラリー観察隊』を年二回発行。好きな英語の言葉のひとつは‘estuary’(河口)、日本語では「霧雨」。ウェブサイト: http://www.shimirin.net/~minadams/