Nov 20, 2024
by Ayamachi Hirakawa
tr. Rogan’s
. Submerged in vast body heat, sterilizing swollen paints by boiling,
. I see blood-soaked grandmothers lined up
. in the high and clean corner of the ceiling. Cough. I cough. Each time
. I let out a short, flat cough, expressive sutra-transcribed chopped-off
. heads are spit out from my drying mouth and pile up at my bedside.
. The humidity of my scaled green apples that blows my eyelids are
. chilling. The corona ward continually whispers with an alcohol smell,
. recalls the belly of a robust lizard, and quietly fills the hospital room
. with oozing rubber fruits thorough the eyes. A pure white,
. clear ukiyo-e sea settles in my lungs, cough, I cough.
( I was watching the tubes scattering the scent of lime.
( Hanging grandmothers are laughing—
( Look, within the swirling IV bags
( , the sutras of phonemes
( overflowing with fever / cough, / I cough
( . The round cracks of sweaty Kanji floating,
( spread out
( flooding in—sutra, sutra, sutra, sutra, sutra, sutra, sutra, sutra, sutra, sutra, sutra, sutra, sutra.
. A swarm of grandfathers who had finished harakiri crawled out
. of the darkness surrounding the lamp. Just the moment I found
, they were drooping down, they hurled their guts
. at my face. Cough. I cough. At the corner of my lips,
. the tower of the chopped-off heads has all piled up
. and the silence is gracefully satisfied in
. its greasy mass. Cough. You must not leave here. Be
. a samurai, commit harakiri, now—this is bushido.
. You might have scattered, work
. without sleep. Whispered by everyone, cough, I cough.
( Sutra sutra sutra sutra sutra sutra sutra sutra sutra sutra, sutra, sutra sutra sutra sutra sutra sutra ,
( Into the ever-reverberating pulsations, sutra flowing ,
( Cough , I cough. .
( The veiled black voices are jarring to my body .
( / not-jarring cough sutra sutra sutra, sutra sutra sutra sutra , sutra cough ,
( I cough . 〇 ,
( sutra ever flowing without beginning or end or corners ,
( sutra. Sutra sutra sutra enso sutra sutra cough cough sutra sutra, cough sutra sutra sutra sutra sutra sutra sutra.
. Imperceptibly, the grandmothers sitting in zazen
. fermenting their slimy, blood-soaked skin, purifying and filling
. the hospital room with an alcoholic solution of fully ripe apples
. and hard scales. Cough , I cough . A pale
. short cough . The chopped-off heads that had slowly piled up
. have already displaced my pillow, transferring the sutra onto my
. hair . Sutra sutra sutra sutra, sutra, sutra sutra sutra sutra sutra sutra, sutra cough
. sutra sutra 〇 sutra sutra , cough, I cough . The tubes are silent. The braille sutra
. has risen over my skin, shrouding this entire body. Boil up the ha-
. rakiri seeds, everyone, it’s time to be born
- Photography: “blunt object”©️ by hakumen, 2024.
- Japanese translation by Rogan's which is an anonymous translation team.
。祖母が整列していた 。咳 。咳をする 。短く
。滲むゴムの実を入院部屋に眼で満たす 。真っ白
。く澄む浮世絵の海が 、肺に座り、咳、咳をする
(石灰質の匂いを 、撒き散らす管を見ていた 。
(ぶら下がった祖母たちが 、笑っている
(ほら 、うずまく点滴袋の中には
(、音韻の経たちが 、
(。汗ばんだ漢字のままの丸い罅を泳がし 、
(敷き詰められ 、
。ハラキリし終えた祖父たちの群れが 、電灯の陰
。から這い出して来た 。ちょうど垂直方向に垂れ
、落ちて来たかと思った瞬間 、顔にハラワタを投
。げつけやがった 。咳 。咳をする 。唇の端っ
。こには 、もう生首の塔が、積み上がりきってい
。て 、油まみれの量感ぐあいに静寂が満ち足り麗
。しい 。咳 。ここから出てはいけないよ、侍に
。なりなさい腹を切りなさい早く 、それが武士道
。をしなさいな 、皆に囁かれては咳 、咳をする
(経経経経経経経経経経、経、 経経経経経経 、
(ひびき続ける脈拍には経が流れこみ 、
(咳 、咳をする 。
(おおわれた黒い声音が 、体にうるさい 。
(/うるさくはない咳経経経経経経経 、経咳 、
(咳をする 。 〇 、
(はじまりもおわりも角もなく流れ続ける経 、
。いつの間にやら座禅した祖母たちは 、ぬめった
。血液まみれの皮膚を発酵させて 、完熟林檎と硬
。鱗ごとアルコール溶液に 、病室内を満たしてい
。く清めていく 。咳 、咳をする 。ほの白くて
。短い咳を 。ゆっくり積み重なっていった生首た
。ちが 、既に枕に、成り代わって写経を髪に移し
。てくる 。経経経経、経、経経経経経経、経咳経
。経〇経経 、咳、咳をする 。管は静かだ。肌に
。浮かんで来たものは 、皮膚一面の点字の経。ハ
- 写真: “blunt object”©️ by hakumen, 2024.
- 翻訳を担当したRogan’sは、匿名の翻訳グループ。
Ayamachi Hirakawa
Born in 1979. Alongside his work in poetry magazines, Ayamachi Hirakawa has been a leading figure in shaping the trends of Japanese poetry on the web since 2000. He is one of the few researchers specializing in “Surrealism and Music.” A founding member of “poetry interface,” a project connecting language with the future. His poetry collections include h-moll (2021, Shichosha). His solo exhibitions include the NFT contemporary poetry exhibition To Modulate (2023, Metaverse Museum).
1979年生まれ。詩誌での活動と並行し、2000年以降の日本のweb上の詩の潮流をリード。「シュルレアリスムと音楽」の数少ない研究者の一人。言葉と未来を接続する「poetry interface」創設メンバー。詩集に『h-moll』(2021/思潮社)など。個展に、NFT現代詩展『転調するために』(2023/メタバース美術館)。