Megumi Moriyama

Megumi Moriyama

Megumi Moriyama

Born in Tokyo, Megumi Moriyama is a poet, English haiku poet, critic, and translator. She is the author of four full-length books of poetry, including Tangible Dreams (Yume no tezawari, 2005) and Green Zone (Midori no ryobun), which were composed for choir pieces, performed and published. Moriyama had been selected as a New Poet by Gendaishi-techo, and her poems have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies. She has recently co-translated the full text of Arthur Waley’s The Tale of Genji and has won the 2020 Donald Keene Special Award. Her latest works are the translation of Virginia Woolf’s The Waves and the critical essay Lady Murasaki’s Tea Party—The Tale of Genji in Spiral Translation.

詩人、翻訳家。詩集に『夢の手ざわり』『エフェメール』(ふらんす堂)『みどりの領分』『岬ミサ曲』(思潮社)。訳書に『源氏物語 A・ウェイリー版』(全4巻、左右社、毬矢まりえ共訳)。同書にて2020年ドナルド・キーン特別賞。2021年ヴァージニア・ウルフ『波〔新訳版〕』を早川書房より上梓。そのほか新聞、文芸誌に評論、エッセイ、書評など発表。最新刊に『レディ・ムラサキのティーパーティ らせん訳「源氏物語」』(毬矢まりえ共著、講談社)。
